February 12, 2018

Baker Hughes Shutters Ombuds Office

Reliable sources are reporting that the oilfield services company in Houston has closed its Organizational Ombuds Office (known as "o3"). The closure came about six months after Baker Hughes was acquired by General Electric Co., which has an "Ombudsman Process" that functions like an audit department. The Baker Hughes o3 office opened in 2012 and its Ombuds--Melanie (Lewis) Jagneaux and Bonnie Bonnivier--quickly became engaged in professional activities as speakers and leaders.

According to her LinkedIn profile, Bonnivier has retired.

Related posts: Former GE Attorney: Employees Can be Fired for Failing to Bring Concerns to OmbudsBaker Hughes to Create Ombuds ProgramBaker Hughes Opens Ombuds Office; Baker Hughes Unveils Ombuds WebsiteIOA Webinar: the Ombuds and Corporate Social ResponsibilityInternational Ombudsman Association Announces 2017 Board Election Results.


  1. That's sad. Melanie is a great leader.

  2. It is sad. What are our IOA leaders doing about this rash of Ombudsman Offices closing? Anything?? Anything at all??

  3. In response to the question: "What are our IOA leaders doing about this rash of Ombudsman Offices closing? Anything?? Anything at all??" - for the General Electric Company the answer is Anything AT WILL meaning that they practice their legal rights to discharge their non-union employees for a good cause, bad cause or no cause at all.

    Want to learn more? Read the letter I sent to my senator on June 28th: https://cloudup.com/cSoSDOEcwWN . Download to a pdf or I can email pdf (fcoleman2015a@nycap.rr.com).
